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  • Wow thank you this left me with hope. I am so proud of you and how far you’ve come. I am in the same boat right now and for the longest time I thought it was something physically wrong with me due to the physical symptoms SA can leave you with. I’m on the road to recovery. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone it’s very real and everything you were feeling is what I am dealing with. I am so happy I found this. ❤️

    • Yay, I am so glad that my blog post could find you <3 I am happy to hear that you are on the road to recovery. Everyday is still a learning experience for me, but it is what has helped me become the person I am today. Hopefully we can all grow from our Social Anxiety and still remain soft-hearted despite the fear - And see all the good there is in the world ^^

  • Thank you for sharing your story. It takes such courage to put yourself out there and detail how you have been affected by anxiety and how you were able to conquer it. Your story will inspire others to do the same, myself included.

    • I’m glad my story was able to reach you Jen <3 Although I have overcome much of my Social Anxiety, I am still constantly finding room to grow. The life we live in now seems to breed anxiety and stress - And I am always trying to be gentle, patient, and calm with myself (as much as I am with others). Develop a second higher consciousness inside you that treats yourself and your detrimental thoughts with kindness and calm peace. It is something I am trying to hone but I think it's something we all need to do. We often don't give that to ourselves enough. Lots of love <3

  • Thank you so much for sharing your story. Your steps really help me and you’re the first person that i’ve read/heard that had the same problems as i have now.

  • I came by this article from looking at your beautiful artwork. There were so many relatable things you wrote. I used to be really shy growing up and I somehow overcome it more and more, but just like you mentioned, I still have a hard time describing my thoughts and express myself especially in group settings. I’ve been so mad at myself sometimes that I just can’t say what’s on my mind more easily. Reading this makes me forgive myself a bit, feeling more hopeful and accepting towards myself. Thank you for writing this! Such an important article. <3

    • Thank you for sharing your beautiful comment! It makes me happy to know that our differences are not so different to many other people. Makes the world feel more safe and connected ^^ Much love to you!

  • First of all thank you for sharing this. I also feel a very large part of what you describe you feel / felt and I cannot always describe that as you do. You have described that fantastically. I personally find the most difficult part of this ‘problem’ that people don’t know that you have something and you just come across as weird … that there is actually nothing wrong because they can’t see something wrong. And you can’t explain or express your feelings because they don’t get it or don’t understand it. I find that very difficult that your environment does not really see what is going on… But on the other hand I get it that they don’t get it 100 procent.. But like would be nice if they just knew it’s so much harder to do things and it’s not because we don’t like it but it is because it’s sooo hard

  • I just turned 77 years old and was put on sertraline last week. I have had deep depression all my life and now know that it was probably social anxiety due to childhood abuse and neglect. I feel relieved to now be able to find answers to my struggles. I look forward to continuing to progress in a positive manner. Thank you for the insights you have shared.

  • I was always told I was just shy and would grow out of it. I think that’s why it took me so long to realize it was a serious problem. I wish people would stop telling kids this. If they’re in pain the adults should try to help and not take the easy “oh it’s just a phase” way out.

  • Thx so much for this article, I have recently felt like I have been losing my mind. Up until the last 6 months, I have never felt anxiety of any kind. But since being quarantined and not having the normal social routine I’m used to, I have developed an unbearable social anxiety. I am now self-conscious of everything I do in a social situation: every word I say, the way I walk, my posture, where I am positioning my hands. My heart beats a million times a minute, my hands sweat like crazy, and I feel like everyone is watching me at all times of the day waiting for me to make a mistake. Basic social interactions become exhausting and I feel like I am surviving each day. I’m thinking about turning to alcohol or something cause I just can’t do this shit anymore. I really need help but I don’t think my friends or family would understand. Worse, they might think I’m weird or weak.

    • I’m sorry to hear about your pain and thank you for sharing your story, Alex. I don’t know what I can say to help you but please don’t give up hope. Each day (or even each week), find at least one good thing to hold onto. Sometimes it was just a solitary walk by myself or some words I wrote down in my journal, but the moment you find something beautiful or nice, I hope that you may hold onto it. Perhaps you can also try reaching out to a professional (If you can’t go out, try online counseling & therapy services like BetterHelp). Please take care of yourself <3

  • I think more self conscious people have anxiety.extreme desires with lack of support cause anxiety.moreperfection you want cause more anxiety.thanks for sharing your story.and the idea that others should not suffer is great.

  • I’ve observed social anxiety in a young friend of my daughters. He is selective mute much of the time I’ve ever been around him. He fidgets constantly. I want so bad to help him, give him some encouragement and resources to help.
    I am friends with his mother and she knows that he struggles; but I don’t want to over-step my boundaries with suggestions like you have listed above. Any advice?

    • Hi thank you so much for your comment and for being there for him! I think just having that supportive backbone between family, friends, and acquaintances is huge! My friends
      would invite me out during college despite me having rarely anything to say – And that helped a lot. Overcoming social anxiety was a slow process that was essentially just me testing my comfort zones. However, having friends and family that I felt safe being around helped me to try new things and gradually open up. It may help him open up as well, of course at his own pace and timing 🙂 And since no one knows what is happening within someone else, it may be helpful if his mom could see if he’s interested in therapy as well. I hope this helps but just having that support is huge! Thank you so much for helping him!

  • Hi Shihori,
    Just wanted to say I really enjoyed this article. It’s very well-written, personal, with lots of great advice. I’ve had a similar experience with overcoming social anxiety and can relate to what you shared. Thanks!