20 Abstract Artists I Love and Adore!
As an abstract artist myself, I get a lot of inspiration and motivation from other abstract artists and their works – So I wanted to give back to this beautiful community out there by sharing with you a list of 20 of my favorite abstract artists whom I love and adore. They range from world-renowned artists from the Abstract Expressionism Age all the way to new, emerging artists with smaller followings on Social Media.
No matter how many people know them, I hope you enjoy all the artists and their beautiful works. I will do my best to leave links to their social media pages, website, or shops accordingly, in case you fall in love with some of them yourselves. Please support them and send them lots of love!
And so here we go with my top picks in no particular order (as of July, 2018)
Cy Twombly
Cy Twombly is a mega favorite amongst many abstract lovers for good reason: His works were ground-breaking. They helped those who saw his artwork see and feel the raw emotions of his gestural “scribbles” across his works on canvas: “Scribbles” that were layered and layered, deep and rich, sometimes like clouds, sometimes thin lines, and sometimes thick and black, reflecting what can be felt as the inner turmoil we all face as human beings.
In the image below, you can see the size difference of some of his works. Making marks like this takes strength from the whole body, and seeing it in-person really gives one a more powerful experience to the complexity of the inner world painted through representation. (One day I will see his paintings in-person for sure)

Jenny Brosinski
I discovered Jenny Brosinski and her beautiful work through Instagram, and I immediately fell in love. She does a lot of large works on raw canvas, and there’s just something so freeing about her works. She uses oil paints, spray paint, sometimes coal, sometimes dirt, and other surprising materials – And that combination of chance and surprise lends itself to that very unique quality in her paintings that I love.
I can’t really put my finger on it… but her works hit me so powerfully: The kind imperfectness of her works is what makes them so very beautiful to me. And seeing that general theme in her works is what moves my heart every time I come across her posts on Instagram.
Visit Her Instagram Page
Visit Her Website Here

Heather Day
Heather Day is a Fluid Abstract Artist whose paintings are based on her love of the outdoors and nature. Every time I see her works while scrolling through Instagram, I just gasp and wonder how she possibly creates these stunning masterpieces.
She makes her “marks” with pools of paint and water (amongst other things), and they leave beautiful, vivid impressions of that water.
Each work has a force of nature to it: That fluidity of water, the splatters and runs we have little control over, the details of surprise, and all of this with her eye for colors and composition creates a form of Abstract Art that makes me feel as if I were taking a walk through the woods or a garden path: Everything comes together as one large experience, yet every little mark is a life-form in itself.
Visit Her Website
See Her Process on Her Youtube Channel
Find Her on Instagram Here

Jessica Zoob
Jessica Zoob is a lovely abstract oil painter that uses her paints in ways I have never seen before. Her paintings are unique to her own art style and I have trouble describing them in words but her works are just gorgeous and complex.
She gets much of her inspiration from her experience with nature, and strives to bring those feelings back into the studio with her.
Her paintings take sometimes years to mature and perfect, but the end result only goes to show the level of love and devotion she pours into her works.
See her art process in this Youtube video below. She has more on her Youtube channel so make sure to check them out!
Her Website
Youtube Channel

Leif Ritchey
Leif Ritchey creates these beautiful abstract works on canvas that seem so ethereal and otherworldly. Whenever I see one of his works, I am almost reminded of looking through a window, as if you were passing through a landscape in a car and the blur of time and nature and beauty going by, yet all there in standby.
The way he uses color is an inspiration to me: His colors that are gentle and kind, yet so strong and purposeful. I love it all.

Linden Eller
I found Linden Eller through her Instagram page. She uses mixed media in sewn collage form to create her abstract works. They remind me of a playful innocence, of imagination and everything soft, kind, and mysterious. And this mixture of feelings relayed in her artwork is what made me fall in love with her art form.
It is a ghost of a feeling, yet so very comforting and compassionate. Her works feel like home to me: A place where my heart lives.
Visit Her Instagram Page
Visit Her Shop Here
Visit Her Website Here

Helen Frankenthaler
Helen Frankenthaler is a famous Abstract artist from the Abstract Expressionism Age. She created large-scale paintings by moving fluid paint across a canvas draped over the floor. She is an inspiration to so many abstract painters since her time, and even more-so as a female painter during that time in history! I love the way her paintings (even against the test of time) really exemplify movement: It took her whole body to move the paint across those huge sheets of canvases, and that element is what gives her paintings such powerful feelings.

Inge Flinte
Inge Flinte is another amazing artist I discovered through Instagram: The moment I saw her artwork and her feed, I fell in love.
The way she creates marks reminds me of how others would relay their thoughts… at least, that is the feeling I get. Sometimes her marks carry the light and airy feeling of a fun, playful conversation. Other times, they hold the weight of every heavy thing we carry in our hearts. They are the experiences of life played out in story on paper, and that’s what I find so beautiful about her works.
Visit her Webiste
Find her on Instagram
Shop her Art Here

Astrid Svangren
Astrid Svangren is an artist who creates her abstract works through textiles (among other materials) in a large collage form. Her art really brings layering to a whole other level. The transparency of her works gives her artwork a truly unique feel, plus her use of composition makes her work all the more profound.
When I see her artwork, it reminds me of discovering people: Seeing their self from a superficial perspective, but slowly learning the layers and perspectives of that person the more you stay with them. I find her art most reflective of life, and that is something that inspires me in my own art process.

Benz Amataya Kuipers
Benz Amataya Kuipers often paints with her two little boys – And working together, they make some of the most beautiful paintings ever! There is so much texture – You really need to see some of her up-close shots on her Instagram, ’cause you’ll be blown away for sure.
The boldness and free-ness of her works inspire me in my own creative process… Because I think out of everything, her works truly embodies freedom: The Freedom from everything outside. In her paintings are her love for her children and her love for her art – And there is nothing as powerful as that.
Visit Her Instagram Page
Her Webiste
Her Shop

Louise Tate
I discovered Louise Tate very recently through Instagram, but I immediately fell in love with her painting style: Morphing the physical world into a different sort of realm that is just as comforting and serene as the color palette she uses. She changes the world and makes it her own –
Her use of composition, imagination, and color makes her art so unique in my eyes – I cannot wait to see how she’ll grow as an artist as the years go by. Definitely check out her work and support her!

Kirsten Jackson
I stumbled upon Kirsten Jackson’s Instagram page and wow! I couldn’t believe how bright and colorful her works were! They contain layers of color that just yell out happiness. And when you look closely, the paints do interesting things: They are filled with textures and what looks like staining effects that make you wonder how Kirsten even does it. They are super deep and gorgeous and will fill any heart with the pure joy that colors are somehow able to give to us.
Visit her Website
Her Instagram Page

Hiroshi Sugito
Hiroshi Sugito’s works are so very dreamy and child-like – And that is one of the things that drew me into his artwork when I first discovered him. They are simple in subject-matter/composition, yet the way he uses colors is complex. It only adds to the dream-like quality of his works. They always give me the sense that I am lost in another place, a window past reality… And I like that feeling, and thus always end up coming back to his works to keep my mind afloat in that hemisphere.

Aelita Andre
Aelita Andre is a beautiful soul who makes enchanting abstract paintings. Her artworks serve to represent worlds of magic and imagination, bold and full of color – And the process of creating her works is just pure freedom and imagination! She has been known as the next Jackson Pollock and has been covered across the world by all forms of media.
Aelita has a Youtube Channel where she showcases the creative process of several of her pieces, along with her backstory of how she became such a world-renowned abstract abstract artist at such a young age. Her Youtube videos was how I first discovered her – And how I actually discovered my love for abstract art. Her creative process has served an inspiration over the years in my own creative process, and I am so glad I just happened to stumble upon her videos one day… because my life really did change after that. Thanks Aelita!
Her Website
Her Youtube Channel

Lola Donoghue
Lola Donoghue is an abstract painter who uses oil paints to create some truly dreamy, mysterious, yet oh-so-lovely works of art! Her paintings feel like memories to me, of murky places I need to travel through to remember the brightness and power of where those memories come from. She paints in surprising ways that really bring out her own unique talent as an artist, and I love that about her style of work.

Rowena Martinich
Rowena Martinich is an abstract painter with a very unique style: If you see one of her works, you will definitely know it’s her’s. Her paintings are outpourings of color: Bright, bold, and over-flowing. Her drip paintings are reminiscent of nature to me, of rain and thick forests; Yet, it paints the landscape of human emotions. Take a look at her work and I am sure you will be able to see the joy her artwork brings to any space.
Visit Her Website
Her Instagram Page

Lindsay King
Lindsay King is another artist who I discovered through Instagram, and I absolutely love how unique her work is. They give me feelings akin to: A drop of water sending ripples across a pond surface, an initial seed that grows, feelings that bloom from a simple, tiny moment. Her works delve very much in minimalism; Yet, have the the power to be anything more. There is delicacy and self-reflection, but also self-discipline. Her paintings make me feel as if I am in a meditative state, and I love that about her art form.

David Ostrowski
David Ostrowski is another amazing abstract artist whom I love. His works feel so very full to me, despite seeming so minimal. They carry an outpouring of emotion: Passion, hurt, and care amongst others. They want to keep things hidden, yet show enough to relay the most important parts of us as people. Well, that’s just my interpretation of his works, but there’s no doubt that his art carries a whole lot within its surface than what initally meets the eye.

Mallory Page
Mallory Page is amazing! I mean, just look at her paintings! She fills up giant walls with her works and it’s almost like looking through a window where the world condenses into nothing, yet everything (if that makes sense). One can easily get lost in her works, but to see them all together like that really magnifies her work as an artist to a greater meaning. I wish to someday be able to reach a depth of color field in my work that Mallory brings to heart in her own works. I think you’ll know exactly what I’m trying to say when you take a look at her works.
Visit Her Website
Find Her on Instagram

And there we go, that is the end to my list of 20 of my favorite abstract artists. I hope you enjoyed this little showcase of these truly talented artists and I hope you found some that you love. Follow them and make sure to give them lots of love!
If you have a favorite artist of your own, feel free to share them down in the comment section! I love finding new artists!
If you enjoyed this blog post, please share it with your friends! I would truly appreciate it xx
Remember to stay inspired my friends, and until next time! xx