200+ Of The Best Instagram Art Hashtags for Artists

Here is a list of art hashtags I have compiled over the course of my time using Instagram as an artist that I wanted to share with you all. 

My tip with Instagram hashtags is to use a mix of popular hashtags with some smaller ones (Less than 500K posts)

This will help you have a better chance at being featured in the Top Posts for that Hashtag category and gain a greater audience, instead of being buried over time beneath later posts. (This is how I was able to reach 1000 followers in my first year on Instagram)

**Tip: As your following grows, start using more competitive hashtags!

One of the best ways to grow your audience as an artist or creative is by growing a following on Instagram.

Instagram is such an amazing visual platform that engages people. And one of the best ways to introduce your art to people on Instagram is by using art hashtags!

Instagram allows 30 hashtags per post, so pick and choose, and I hope this helps grow your Instagram to achieve that following base you are looking for! 

If you want to know some more awesome tips on growing your Instagram as an artist, read this blog post here. I explain how I managed to grow my art Instagram account over these past few years. 

200+ Art Hashtags To Grow Your Instagram as an Emerging Artist

200 Instagram Hashtags for Artists and Creatives

General Creative Hashtags




















General Art Hashtags






















#artnewss #art_empire
















Hashtags for Painters

















Hashtags for Watercolor Artists


















Hashtags for Abstract Painters























Hashtags for Illustrators



























Hashtags for Minimalist Artists






#minimal_love #minimal_mood






Art Journal Ideas
Image source: @sasha_zeen

Hashtags for Art Journalers
















Read my blog post for 15 Beautiful Art Journal Inspiration!

Popular Art Hashtags





































Hashtags are a great tool for growing your Instagram but always remember that Instagram isn’t completely about numbers!


More importantly, find “your people”… The ones that truly love your art and want to see you grow and develop as an artist! Make friends! Talk to people and get to know other artists and art lovers!

Hashtags are great for finding that initial audience, but cultivated a relationship with them is key – And it’s what gives you that personality, heart, and human quality that can get so easily lost in social media.

I hope you found this helpful!

Feel free to comment or share down below to help spread the love!


If you liked this blog post, consider reading these other resources I have developed just for artists down below:

14 Ways to Get Your Art Noticed on Instagram
How To Edit Photos of Your Artwork
Discover Your Own Art Style
A Guide to Shipping Artwork, Prints, & Other Handmade Goods

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