Easy Bear Painting Idea: Step by Step Tutorial using Acrylic Paint

Hi everyone!

Today I wanted to show you how to create a cute, easy bear painting on a mini canvas using acrylic paints.

I saw this painting on Pinterest and it inspired me to create this bear painting. I think it’s a cute way to create a simple painting of any animal (not just a bear!)

Painting is a great way to relax and unwind from your busy day, while having fun with the process of creating a beautiful work of art.

Plus, in the end you have something lovely you can hang up on your wall and decorate your home with!

I hope this painting can give you a little piece of joy whenever you look at it!

Materials You’ll Need:

  • Canvas (I used a 4×4 inch canvas): If you’re looking for a mini canvas and easel set, check out these on Amazon.
  • Acrylic Paints (I used Black, Light Pink, Medium Pink, and Peach colors)
  • Paint brushes
  • Cup of Water (to rinse your brushes)
  • Paper Towel: to dry off excess water from paint brushes
  • Shallow Dish: to mix paint colors in (I use empty plastic food containers)
  • Pencil
  • Varnish (optional): Acts as a final top coat over the paint.

Now, let’s get onto your painting tutorial! I hope you have lots of fun!

1. Sketch Your Bear

Use a pencil to sketch out the bear’s face as shown down below.

It’s okay to be messy and make mistakes (I did!). It’ll all be covered up with acrylic paint in the end.

bear painting sketch

My canvas sketch is a little messy so here is a line drawing of it so you can see the sketch more clearly.

easy bear painting line sketch

2. Paint Bear’s Coat Color

Bears come in so many coat colors: Brown, Black, White.

I decided to paint my bear a pinkish color, but feel free to paint your bear whatever color makes you happy!

To create the final color for my bear painting, I mixed a Peach color with Light Pink. (In the photo, I used a medium pink color but I ended up changing it to a lighter pink)

I also painted into the pencil sketch. The pencil may smudge but that’s okay.

Cover the sketch a little, but you should still be able to see some of the sketch underneath. This is so that we can paint the other details of the bear later.

paint bear

Make sure to paint the sides of your canvas too!

Depending on the paint you use, you will probably have to apply multiple coats.

Make sure to give enough time between coats to let the paint dry!

It might be hard to see the pencil sketch I drew at the first step in the photo down below, but in-person, I can still make out the sketch underneath.

bear painting easy

3. Paint the Bear’s Ears and Nose

Now, let’s paint the bear’s ears and nose.

I used the same color: A light Peach color.

It is called Golden’s Titan Mars Pale, but feel free to use whatever color you have that you think will fit well!

paint bear ear nose

4. Paint the Bear’s Cheeks

Our cute bear painting is going to have some rosy cheeks… so let’s paint them!

Use a medium toned pink of your choice for this step.

I wanted to create a more blended effect so I mixed the Medium Pink color with a little bit of the Pinkish Peach color from the bear’s coat color.

I applied about 2 coats of paint for mine, so feel free to apply multiple coats to get it to the right color.

paint bear cheeks

5. Paint the Eyes, Nose, and Mouth

Use Black paint and a small detail brush to paint the eyes, nose and mouth of your bear.

(If you painted your bear black, consider painting the eyes with white paint)

You can also use a black art pen if that helps you have more control over your line.

cute easy bear painting

6. Enjoy Your Bear Painting!

Yay! You are finished with your bear painting!

bear face painting easy

If you’d like, you can apply varnish to your painting. Varnish helps protect your painting, including slowing down UV damage to the paint.

Hang your painting up on the wall or add it to a shelf for decoration.

If you painted it on a mini canvas like I did, you can also prop it up on a mini easel too!

Related Blog Posts:
25 Easy Bear Drawing Ideas
30 Easy Acrylic Painting Ideas

Thank you so much for visiting this blog post!

I hope you enjoyed this little tutorial on how to create this simple but cute bear painting using acrylic paints!

I hope to be adding more painting tutorials on this site in the future!

If you want more art-related content, feel free to browse around the site.

I am wishing you a wonderful day or night, and keep creating! Until next time!

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