30 Cool Aesthetic Drawing Ideas

Hi everyone!

I’m back with some more drawing ideas – This time, with a collection of cool, aesthetic drawing ideas (or at least what I think is aesthetic).

I’ve included a variety of different drawings, from the Sun, Moon, stars, flowers, and animals.

I hope you find a drawing you like and that inspires you to start doodling as well!

Drawing Tip: Create a pencil sketch of your drawing first. Afterwards, you can go over your initial sketch with an ink pen and once the ink dries, erase the pencil sketch underneath to reveal your finished line art!

Now, let’s get to the drawings! I hope you enjoy – And above all, have fun drawing!

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1. Fly Me to the Moon

Here is a cute drawing idea of a cat riding a paper airplane, flying to the moon.

fly me to the moon paper airplane drawing

2. A Flower and a Heart

Let’s draw a flower growing from a heart next!

heart flower drawing aesthetic

3. Latte

There is something so aesthetic about the art of making teas and coffee drinks.

Below is a simple drawing of a hot cup of coffee to try out.

cup of coffee drawing

4. Moon Phases

This drawing was created from another one of my blog posts 30 Easy Moon Drawing Ideas.

Adding the moon in any drawing makes it aesthetic imo πŸ™‚

tent outdoors moon drawing aesthetic

5. Flower Rabbit

Rabbits are so fluffy and adorable!

Here is a rabbit wearing a flower crown and holding a flower stem to add to your aesthetic drawing list.

rabbit drawing flower aesthetic

6. Shooting Stars

Drawing stars is a great way to add aesthetic beauty to your art!

shooting star drawing aesthetic

7. Mountains

Here is a simple drawing idea of some mountains to draw below a pair of shooting stars.

mountain drawing

8. Walking in Space

Here is an aesthetic drawing idea of someone walking above the moon and stars.

aesthetic universe drawing

9. Creeping Cat

Cats are always fun and aesthetic subjects to draw πŸ™‚

Here is one that is stalking their soon-to-be prey.

cat drawing corner funny

10. Polaroid Clouds

Anything film, photography, and polaroid-related is aesthetic – So here is a drawing idea of clouds popping out of a polaroid shot.

I used a colored pencil to color in the background.

polaroid drawing clouds aesthetic

Also – “Wandered lonely as a cloud” comes from William Wordsworth’s poem I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud. It’s a poem I really like πŸ™‚

11. Window to the Soul

I love creating drawings inspired by quotes, sayings, or song lyrics – So here is a little aesthetic doodle of an eye being the window to the soul.

eye drawing window to the soul

12. Jellyfish

Even though jellyfish are strange little blobby creatures with tentacles, they are pretty aesthetic.

Here is a cute little doodle of one to try out πŸ™‚

jellyfish drawing

13. Circle Drawing

Create a drawing inside a circle shape. Here is one of the mountains and stars hanging from the sky.

circle drawing mountains hanging stars

I also have a blog post dedicated to circle drawing ideas here.

14. Moon and Rose

Roses are aesthetic so let’s draw one blooming on the moon.

I have a blog post dedicated to roses and how to draw them, so check it out if you would like to practice drawing them!

moon rose drawing aesthetic

15. Butterfly

Here is drawing idea of a butterfly escaping from a jar.

butterfly jar drawing aesthetic

16. Anime Eyes

Anything anime or 2D is aesthetic imo – So let’s draw some anime eyes next!

Drawing anime eyes can be difficult so I recommend practicing and drawing them in a style that feels comfortable to you πŸ™‚

If you’d like some drawing practice, check out my blog post How to Draw Anime Eyes Step by Step.

aesthetic anime eyes drawing

17. What is Love?

I felt like drawing a heart because they’re aesthetic, but I felt confused and it ended up turning out like this.

what is love heart drawing

18. Tote Bag Full of Flowers

Let’s draw a girl carrying a tote bag full of flowers next!

flowers tote bag drawing aesthetic

19. Day and Night

The sun and moon is always an aesthetic pair to draw.

day night drawing moon sun

20. Bandaid and Flowers

This a drawing from another one of my blog posts 40 Simple Tattoo Ideas. I love the way it turned out so here it is again!

flower bandaid drawing aesthetic

21. Mysterious Encounter

UFO’s and aliens are aesthetic, right?

alien ufo drawing

22. Pearl

I feel like at the time I am writing this blog post, pearl necklaces have been really popular – So here is a little pearl still growing in its clam shell.

clam pearl drawing

23. Airplane View

Here is a little doodle of an airplane window to add to your aesthetic drawings!

airplane drawing aesthetic window

24. Crescent Moon

We’ve been drawing lots of moons, but moon’s are always aesthetic to draw… so here is another one πŸ™‚

moon drawing aesthetic

25. Tiny House

Here is an adorable drawing of a tiny house on wheels to draw as well!

tiny house drawing

26. Diving Whale

Let’s draw a whale diving into a cloud next.

whale drawing clouds aesthetic

27. Just Peachy

Food is an aesthetic of its own so here is a simple drawing of a peach to draw.

just peachy drawing cute

28. Crystal Ball

I hope this drawing gives you some good luck!

crystal ball drawing good things are coming

29. Planetary Snail

Let’s draw a snail with a planet as its shell next!

planet snail drawing

30. Cityscape

Here is a drawing idea of a cityscape or skyline to draw as well.

city scape aesthetic drawing

Related Blog Posts:
50 Cute Easy Things to Draw
30 Food Drawing Ideas
100+ Creative Drawing Prompts

Thank you so much for visiting this blog post!

I hope you were able to find some aesthetic drawing ideas that interested you to start drawing.

If you are looking for more drawing ideas, feel free to look around this blog for more.

I hope you have a wonderful day or night, and until next time! Take care <3

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