I’ve been really enjoying drawing animals these days so I decided to create a bunch of hamster drawings next.
Hamsters are so adorable and they were actually my first furry pet I had when I was a child.
I hope you have fun drawing these cute adorable furballs!
Drawing Tip: I like to start drawing with a pencil sketch. When I am satisfied with the sketch, I will then go over the lines with an ink pen. Once the ink dries, I erase the pencil sketch underneath.
Feel free to draw completely using a pencil as well, or whatever medium you are enjoying 🙂
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1. Hamster Face
Let’s start off simple with drawing a cute hamster face.
Feel free to color it in however way you like!

The ink pen I used in this drawing, as well as many others in this blog post, is the Sakura Pigma Micron Pen. I got mine in a set from Amazon here in case you are interested.
2. Sitting Hamster
Here is a cute little marshmallow-like drawing of a hamster sitting down.

3. Round Hamster
You can easily draw a hamster from a circle shape as well! Here are two examples for a quick doodle session.
I colored in this drawing using colored pencils.

4. Full Cheeks
Next, let’s draw a hamster with some stuffed-to-the-max cheek pouches.

5. Hamster in Tube
Here is a fun little drawing of a hamster going through a toilet paper roll.

6. Hamster Wearing Bow Tie
Here is a simple cartoonish drawing of a hamster wearing a bow tie.

7. Crowned Hamster
Let’s draw a cute hamster with a crown next!

8. Running on a Wheel
Of course I had to make a drawing of a hamster running on a wheel.

9. Hamster Yawning
I’ve always thought a hamster’s yawn was amusing: They look so innocent and cute but when they yawn, they show their long, ferocious-looking teeth.

10. Wearing Glasses
Here is a fun, little drawing of a hamster wearing glasses to draw as well.

11. Counting Petals
I like to incorporate flowers into my drawings so here is a hamster counting the petals of a flower.
“Do they like me? Do they not?”

12. Hamster Doodle
Here is a drawing of a hamster I made from another blog post 50 Cute Easy Things To Draw.

13. Saving a Peanut for Later
Here is a drawing of a hamster stuffing a peanut into their cheek for later.

14. Flower Hamster
I wanted to draw a hamster with a flower on its head, so here it is!

15. Napping in the Corner
I often had hamsters that like to dig into the corner of their cage and sleep there, and created a drawing inspired by that.
But then it looked like a graph so I added a few extra details to add a little spin to the drawing.

16. More Please?
Here is a cute drawing of a hamster sitting in their food bowl.
Sometimes it’s not that there’s no food, it’s that the food is stashed somewhere else…

17. Hamster Driving
Here is a cute and funny drawing of a hamster driving a car.

18. Surprised Hamster
Here is a drawing of a scared hamster :O

19. Lazy Hamster
Let’s draw a lazy hamster as well!

20. Hamsters are Cool
I like to draw animals with sunglasses, so here is our little hamster friend wearing some as well.

Related Blog Posts:
20 Cute Rabbit Drawings Ideas
25 Easy Bear Drawing Ideas
20 Easy Dog Drawing Ideas
Thank you so much for visiting this blog post!
I hope you found some fun little hamster drawing ideas to try out in your sketchbook or doodle page.
If you are interested in more drawing ideas, feel free to look around this blog for more! I have a lot 🙂
I hope you have a wonderful day or night and until next time! Keep drawing!
I love all your animal series for easy drawing ideas ! They’re adorable.
Thank you so much!! ^^
Hello I think this was really helpful keep up the good blogs I hope you have a spectacular day / night / morning / evening! 🙂🙃
Aww thank you and wishing you the same as well <3
Can I use one of these images for my tattoo?
These cuties are soothing❤️
Aww I’m glad you enjoyed 😀
Please email me through the info on my contact page with an attachment of the image you’d like to use for your tattoo so that I can give permission! Thank you!
I am in love 😻 with your blog but I can’t help feeling that you are so underrated! I tell anyone I meet who is interested in drawing and art about your blog in the hope you become more popular. They say that nothing is perfect, but this blog certainly is! Keep up the outstanding work!
Aww you are so sweet!! Thank you so much for your lovely comment… it made my day! <3
The hamsters are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo x infinity cute.
Ahahaha awww thank you lovely <3
I think that they are infinitely cute as well!!!🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹🐹😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
your drawings are sooo cute and i love them.
Thank you so much!! 😊
I LOVE HAMSTERS! i tired drawing some of these drawings, ended up making a hamster pushy and now I make them for all my friends! I always tell them about your website too!